C.A.T. Group's Fatima Otaireez becomes the first Saudi woman to secure the ACI (American Concrete Institute) certification in the KSA.
C.A.T. Group's Fatima Otaireez becomes the first Saudi woman to secure the ACI (American Concrete Institute) certification in the KSA.
C.A.T. in the UAE with NPCC as a consortium, successfully secures a contract from ADNOC for the EPC works of ESTIDAMA Package 3 pipelines for a value of over US$600M. This constitutes a re-entry to the energy market in the Emirates.
C.A.T. serves again Qatar Energy in a key domestic gas project in Mesaieed, to improve the resilience and reliability of fuel gas supply to small and medium industries (SAMI) through new pipelines.
C.A.T. Group wins the Aramco IKTVA 2022 Excellence Award for "Highest Overall IKTVA Performance" in construction.
Construction of World's largest District Cooling Plant at The Pearl, Qatar.
Khuff Gas project construction for Saudi Aramco.
Building of Marina Towers Development in Beirut, Lebanon.
Completion of development of Haradh Gas Plant in Saudi Arabia.
Construction of infrastructure for BIU Water Supply in Nigeria.
Awarded EPC project to export capacity of chemicals at King Fahd Industrial Port in Yanbu, Saudi Arabia.
Upgrade of industrial area of Jebel Dhana, UAE.
In 1993, the partners strategically established an international corporate structure. This forward-thinking approach to governance remains highly regarded today for ensuring the company's longevity.
C.A.T. commissions IBM 4331 KO2 central computer at Group’s new Electronic Data Processing bureau in Paris - with target date for total computerization of worldwide company activities set for 1985.
In joint venture with SAIPEM SpA and TEKFEN SA, the C.A.T. Group is awarded $425 million contract for water transmission facilities in Saudi Arabia, including two pipelines from the Shuqaiqdesalination plant to Gizan, 161 kilometers south along the coast, and the other extending to Khamis Mushait and Ahad Rafida, 185 kilometers inland, with an elevation reaching 2,438 meters above sea level.
Mothercat and SAIPEM carry out construction of City Feeder Lines to Riyadh, with a contract value of $120 million.
Roadworks totalling 31 million pound carried out in Nigeria for State and Federal Governments.
The 536 kilometers long 48-inch diameter East-West crude oil pipeline completed in Saudi.
Contract won to build 800MW Riyadh power station in Saudi Arabia, involving erection of sixteen 50MW gas turbine generators.
£5 million sports center completed in Sharjah.
Group wins contract to build Kuwaiti Embassy in Sudan, Four subsidiaries formed: Cycat in Cyprus; Eurocat and Francat in France; Mothercat (Saudi Arabia) W.L.L. registered in Jeddah.
Following the 30” Pipeline in Iran won in 1964, C.A.T. won a 125km pipeline of 10”.
Mothercat Marine Division formed to carry out projects in the Gulf area.
Construction of first cement works in the United Arab Emirates undertaken at Ras-al-Khaimeh, followed by six further plants in Gulf area.
C.A.T. starts working in Somalia on the Hargeisa to Berbera road and later onthe Berbera Jetty.
Construction of Holiday Inn Hotel in Bahrain with distinctive trapeziform design.
Construction of first aluminium smelting plant in the Middle East in Bahrain.
Contract gained to lay first 52-inch diameter pipeline in Kuwait to aid oil export.
C.A.T. builds first fertilizer complex in Saudi Arabia.
The C.A.T. Group expands its activities into Nigeria in West Africa winning a pipeline project.
The Group expands its activities into Guinea in West Africa winning a 55 miles 32” – 26” pipeline project.
The Group expands its activities into Ghana in West Africa.
Facilities constructed to allow export of oil from Jebel Dhana in the Trucial Coast – now Abu Dhabi.
Construction of facilities to allow first export of oil from Qatar. First 200 foot diameter floating roof crude oil tank erected at Abadan.
Presidential Palace, Baghdad completed.
First 30-inch diameter pipeline laid in Kuwait.
C.A.T. Group undertakes their first projects in Pakistan.
C.A.T. joins forces with Motherwell Bridge Engineering Company of Scotland to form Motherwell Bridge Contracting and Trading Company - Mothercat — and Group enters field of pipeline, tankage and process plant construction with contracts in Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar and Syria.
Building of Shuwaikh School in Kuwait including multiple accommodations and swimming pools, a clubhouse and a 10,000-spectator sports stadium.
Construction of harbour and jetty works enabled first barrel of oil to be delivered from Qatar to the outside world.
Construction of 16" pipeline stretching from Kirkuk(Iraq) to Tripoli(Lebanon).
First major oil pipeline contract - for Iraq Petroleum Company - won by C.A.T.
Roadworks carried out Army base with 101 buildings constructed for the British Army during World War II.
C.A.T. registered in Lebanon by partners Emile Bustani, Shukri Shammas and Abdallah Khoury. First contracts carried out for the British army.
Emile Bustani forms Contracting and Trading Company (C.A.T.) and wins a first contract with the Haifa oil refinery.
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